“One of the best modern efforts in the [film noir] genre this reviewer has personally seen.” -- Kirk Fernwood, One Film Fan
“A captivating story of anticipation, mystery and murder.” -- Film Carnage
“One of the most damned inventive plots I’ve ever seen in a short film.” -- Wess A Haubrich, Gem City Noir
“A small gem of a film… noir through and through, atmospheric and moody, and like any good noir the difference between the good and the bad is awfully hard to see through the shadows.” -- The Movie Critic Next Door
"One of the best Indie shorts i've seen...with one of the most original plots I have seen in years." -- Mason Manuel, Reel Dude Reviews
"Violet kills..." "It's not often that inside of 13 minutes that one can achieve a sense of completion and satifaction, but where this short really stands out is in it's ability to do so while weaving an erotic noir thriller...rivals the Lynch films that inspired it" --Byrant Kaehler, Lost in Film
"Leads you down a twisted rabbit Hole..." "This short will Leave the viewer gets better every time I see it. If you enjoy a modern take on noir with a twist of blurred reality, then I highly recommend this short film." --Abigail Braman, Nighmarish Conjurings
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#playvioletmovie "leads you down a twisted rabbit hole" Abigail Braman, Nightmarish Conj. Intrigued? #moviereview:
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Combining classic noir with a dreamscape atmosphere...will leave the viewer mesmerized-Nigthmarish Conj. Watch now:…
“A captivating story of anticipation, mystery and murder.”--Film Carnage. Watch it here:…
Man sets sights on his object of desire, elusive and perhaps even unattainable-One Film Fan Watch it here:…